Monday, February 22, 2010

Raise it up for Liberty Travel!!

I have some incredibly exciting news. I almost can't believe it myself! Last week I had the pleasure to meet Billy McDonough,the President of Liberty Travel. My good friend Alexandra Barker, Specialist Business Leader of Liberty Travel was dining with him and she mentioned that I was working on my first feature. Of course I had some postcards on hand that I passed around and we started chatting about the progress of the film. I explained to them that I was fundraising to secure the funds to travel to Detroit and hire a crew to finish shooting the trailer so i could come back and raise the rest of the money to complete the film. Billy started asking me some very pointed questions and less than five minutes later informed me that Liberty Travel would be providing me with travel sponsorship to and from Detroit! I honestly couldn't believe it, it all happened so quickly that I thought maybe I was dreaming.

Until today when I got an email from Alex confirming that Liberty Travel is more than happy to donate my airfare and hotel accommodations. I was honestly floored and thought this meant that they would take care of my travel needs for one trip to go to Detroit and finish the trailer...and then they informed me that they would be sponsoring my travel for more than one trip! I truly feel as though I have hit the lottery! I have said it a million times but I have the best friends and support system that anyone could ask for! So from the bottom of my heart I just want to say Thank You one more time to Alexandra Barker and Billy McDonough. I am not sure what I have done to deserve such an incredible gift but thank you.

And on behalf of Ma Dukes, let's Raise It Up for Liberty Travel!!

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