Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Very Personal Way to Make a Difference...

As we all know a very serious earthquake struck Haiti last week causing utter devastation. For some of us that devastation was very personal. One of our most beloved staff members at Il Buco, our Sous Chef Harding, is Haitian and he has many family members in Haiti who are hurt and who lost everything in the aftermath. Harding has worked at IlBuco for ten years and anyone who has ever had the pleasure of knowing him can attest he is quite simply one of the best human beings you will ever meet. He is kind beyond explanation and his generosity knows nobounds. As we all struggled to find a way to help Harding and his family we decided to create this page to reach out to anyone who has ever enjoyed a meal at Il Buco to make a very personal donation. Harding's mother and aunt had their houses leveled as a result of the earthquake and they, like all Haitians, are struggling to survive at this very moment. We are trying to raise as much money as possible in the next 30 days so we can send this money to Harding's family so that they can rebuild their lives. Please find it in your hearts to help a man who never asks for anything and who gives all of us so much.

100% of the proceeds will go directly to Harding's family in Haiti

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